Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Scene from a party

 Host: Hey it's really great you two could come here tonight.

Semore: Gee thanks, it was our pleasure.

Host: Listen you two, the door to my apartment is always open, so whenever you just want to drop by go ahead..

Semore: Sure.

Sally: We'll see.

Host: Okay, well I've got to mingle, drop by later.

Host leaves and this begins an exchange between the couple. As exchange continues Semore become more inebriated.

Semore: ‟We’ll see?” that was really rude of you.

Sally: I just don't like him.

Semore: He's a great guy, what's not to like?

Sally: You don't know him like I know him.

Semore: What are you talking about, I've known this guy since high school, played on the same la cross team, backpacked across Europe together...

Sally: I used to sleep with him.

Semore: Nope, don't know him that well. Nope didn't know that little piece of information either. (hesitant and insecure) So why did you two break up?

Sally: Well it just didn't work out, he had some quirks.

Semore: Quirks?

Sally: You know unusual behaviors, idiosyncracies, odd tendencies..

Semore: No, what kind of quirks? He snored in his sleep, left the seat up, clipped his toe nails in bed?

Sally: He liked to be tied up.

Semore: Oh tied up.

Sally: Yup, tied and beaten till he would call me daddy.

Semore: That’s... Really disturbing. (pause) Hey, there's my friend Bob over there, have you met Bob?

Sally: Don't call him over here!

Semore: Why?

Sally: (Embarrassed look)

Semore: (jokingly) You didn’t sleep with him too?

Sally: It was a long time ago.

Semore: Bob? You slept with Bob?

Sally: Just a couple of times, I broke up with him after I realized...

Semore: Realized what?

Sally: He liked it rough.

Semore: Really?

Sally: Really, really rough. One time he bruised my vulva so badly I couldn't sit down for a week.

(Comming back to  Semore and Sally, a little later. Semore is now drinking straight from the bottle)

Semore: Tom?

Sally: Golden showers?

Semore: (Noise of disgust) Eww. Rick?

Sally: Remember the scene in that Faulkner novel where the impotent psychotic guy used the corn cob...

Semore: Nuff said, nuff said, Harry?

Sally: He liked to coat my naked body with olive oil and ‟play horsie,” if you know what I mean.

Semore: Not extra virgin olive oil, I assume. Does Helen know about Harry's little fantasies?

Sally: Well, Helen's no saint herself.

Semore: You didn't...

Sally: (gleefully) Poor Helen. That woman's vagina either tastes like bad meat or good cheese. You know, it's really feels good to get these things out in the open. I think our relationship will be stronger for it.

Semore: (crestfallen) I hope so. I think our relationship would be stronger if you would sleep with me though.

Sally: You're different, I like you.

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